First posted 26th February
There is a sequence to all of this – it starts with writing the story, which happened an age ago. I have nearly finished the first ‘listen-through’ of the audio – checking for any passages that are duplicated and either adding or taking away silence, where appropriate. I have not been rushing because I can’t publish the audio version until the Kindle book is published first and I can’t publish the Kindle book until the book cover is ready. It’s been exciting seeing the first drafts of the cover from ‘Mint’ – she is almost ready to start cutting into the lino (it will be a lino-cut print).
Something I’ve never thought about until just now – my generation knows what lino is – we all had floors covered in it (sometimes with a rug on top). Nowadays it would be called vinyl flooring and would be too soft and thin to cut into for printing. So maybe now it is only used as an art material.
Coming back to the audio book I thought some people would be interested in the software I am using – it’s called ‘Audacity’, it works on Windows and is free. Mac users would probably use ‘GarageBand’.
The flat line is silence – I have been shortening or lengthening these – cutting and pasting. When I am happy with the flow of the story I will have to go back to YouTube and learn what to do next!