My second book is waiting for me to do all the edits & corrections.

One way of looking at it would be I have been getting my priorities right, another would be putting it off!
However, I don't think I have an excuse. The kindle book has been published, and whilst I have been feeding my instagram account to help try and promote it, I think it will be better to ramp up the publicity when the whole package is ready. I don't recall politicians using that phrase 'ramp up' before the current Coronavirus pandemic. A positive spin on the sentiment 'I'm not doing enough now so I promise to do better!'
Anyway, back to the 'package' - I've been formatting the paperback version. I hope it's OK, but I can't preview what I have uploaded until the cover has also been uploaded. Elizabeth Newsham is hoping to be able to produce the illustration/pattern for the back of the book over the coming weekend. Rachel is hoping to continue work on the audio recording next week, which means we can get the audio book published.
Actually, as I write I have just realised that there is something I can do - my talented friend Chris de Verteuil has given me some music that he has composed and performed for the audio book. I could make a start adding that.
Great! I can put off doing the corrections on the next book after all!