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Updating my author page on Amazon


It's what you see when you scroll down on my Stuck (in time) book page on Amazon

It took several goes, because at first the site was showing a whole load of books about cameras and IT that have been written by another Dave Johnson. They removed them for me, but then my daughters spotted that when you scrolled down on a phone, it said this: 'I am a writer and photographer living near Seattle. In my spare time I play drums, scuba dive, and, along with the rest of my family, take car of my three cats, two dogs, and a slew of fish.' Well it sounds a great lifestyle, but it's not my life.

Anyway, after several emails back and forth I have finally got it sorted.

So to save you having to go there: this is what it says:

It's time for a new direction. My first love was art, and at the age of 19 I found myself studying Printed Textiles at Liverpool School of Art, excited to be in the same building than John Lennon once went to, and next door to the school that Paul McCartney went to. I loved Liverpool, and still do, I love the city, the people and the football team! I met my wife at the college, and afterwards we both worked together as freelance textile designers, producing designs mostly for the USA market, using agents based in New York. I combined this with teaching at several colleges and universities, and after moving first to the North East, we settled in the tiny East Midlands county of Rutland.

So working as a lecturer at Loughborough School of Art & Design (later Loughborough University) for over 20 years, and feeling proud to help so many talented students, I felt it was time for a change and I left. If I look back to my school years, at Changi Grammar School, (Singapore) the two other subjects I really liked were History and English. If I look at my life, past and present, one thing I have always enjoyed is reading stories to our three children, and now to our grandchildren. So that has pointed the way to my future.

I wanted to create stories the kind of stories that I would have enjoyed as a child. Stories that adults would enjoy too, whether reading it to a child, or listening as an audio book, and the first of these my first novel, Stuck (in time). There are more in the series to come. I hope you enjoy it.

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